Catalonia’s innovative approach to combatting Coastal Erosion: A success story in Dune Restoration

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As many Europeans head to the beaches this summer, coastal erosion remains a significant threat to shorelines worldwide. The removal of soil and sand by wind, water, and human activity has left several European coastal areas vulnerable to flooding and extreme tides, endangering both human and marine life. In a new video, we explore how IMPETUS partners in Spain successfully restored dunes in the region, offering a sustainable approach to protecting beaches in coastal Catalonia.

Global predictions indicate that 50% of the world’s beaches could disappear by the end of the century. The Catalan coast, heavily impacted by human activities such as port and dam construction, faces significant erosion as natural sediment flows are blocked. Traditional sand replenishment methods have proven unsustainable and costly, prompting the need for long-term, eco-based solutions.

Sand Traps in rural Sant Pare Pescador: a model for success

The beach at Sant Pere Pescador serves as a prime example of effective dune restoration. Carla Garcia-Lozano, a researcher at the University of Girona and partner in the IMPETUS project, notes that the beach has narrowed by 50 meters over the past 50 years due to erosion. In response, the Government of Catalonia and the Natural Park of Costa Brava, in collaboration with local residents and businesses, initiated a project to restore the beach-dune system.

In 2020, sand traps—fences made of cane—were introduced to capture and accumulate sand, thereby increasing the height and volume of the dunes. Researchers from the IMPETUS Project have been using drones with advanced sensors to monitor these changes since 2021. Carla Garcia-Lozano explains that regular drone flights allow for precise measurement of dune growth, showing a 40% increase in dune height over three years.

Frederic Suñe Tobella, owner of Campsite Las Dunas, recounts how the dunes protected their property during Storm Gloria in early 2020, which caused widespread damage along the coast. The maintained dunes prevented seawater from flooding the campsite, highlighting their importance in climate resilience.

Taking the concept to urban areas: Calafell

Building on the success in rural areas, the IMPETUS project is now seeking to apply these techniques in urban settings, starting with Calafell. This city, part of a region housing 43% of Catalonia’s population, has seen natural dunes replaced by promenades and buildings. Aron Marcos Fernández, Councilor for Environment and Public Roads in Calafell, emphasizes the beach’s critical role in the local economy, which relies heavily on tourism.

In a bold move, the city council removed parts of the sea-walk promenade to create more space for natural sand deposits. Xavier Roig Munar, Manager of beach-dune systems, reports that sand traps in Calafell have successfully captured and retained sand, reshaping the beach to better withstand storms.

Nature Based Solutions as sustainable coastal protection

The success of these initiatives underscores the importance of natural solutions in coastal protection. While short-term measures like elevated homes and dike walls provide immediate relief, dune restoration offers a sustainable, long-term strategy. The IMPETUS project’s precise measurements and positive results provide a valuable model for coastal communities worldwide.

As sea levels rise and storms grow more severe, Catalonia’s approach to dune restoration demonstrates how nature-based solutions can protect and sustain our beaches for the future. The new video on this groundbreaking work showcases the potential for global application, promoting resilience in the face of climate change.


Watch the full video to learn more about Catalonia’s successful dune restoration efforts and how they can inspire similar initiatives around the world.

High temperatures

Record-breaking summertime temperatures have been recorded in the Netherlands in recent years. With global temperatures rising, such extreme weather events will occur more often, and for longer periods. Prolonged high temperatures, with warm nights as well as hot days, can cause heat stress* and related health issues, particularly among city populations.

*Heat stress occurs when the human body cannot get rid of excess heat and can impact wellbeing through conditions such as heat stroke, exhaustion, cramps and rashes.

"We want to enable municipality decision makers who are working on spatial developments to identify heat stress 'hot spots' and cool areas, analyse the future effects of climate change, and model the effect of different heat stress-reducing measures. The tool must provide them with an easy starting point to integrate heat stress risks in their projects."


Despite the cooling effect of the sea in the region of Zeeland, the growing risk of heat stress has become a concern.

Elderly and other vulnerable people are more impacted by the effects of prolonged heat, which can cause headaches, dizziness, insomnia and other health issues – even death. Excess temperatures also affect general comfort and liveability of cities. Water quality can be reduced, both for drinking and swimming, and infrastructure can be affected. Buildings and concrete surfaces trap heat, potentially leading to damage, and release it during the night, keeping temperatures warm.

During heat waves, it is important that everyone has access to a cool and comfortable place. Appropriate spatial planning can help to decrease and deal with heat stress. Environmental factors like water bodies, trees, and shade have a major impact on stress caused by high temperatures. Therefore, planting trees, removing concrete surfaces, creating green roofs and cool spaces can improve our comfort and health. The IMPETUS Atlantic team is developing a digital tool to support regional decision making for city planning to address these needs.

Flood risk

By 2050, sea-level within this region is predicted to rise by 15-40 cm, with more frequent extreme weather and more (severe) storms triggered by climate change. These changes will exacerbate the natural risk of flooding in the IMPETUS ‘Atlantic’ region, because it is surrounded by rivers and the sea, and is below sea level.

*Risk takes into account two aspects; the chance that an event will occur and the negative impact of such an event once it occurs. When there is a low chance that an event will occur, but its impacts are huge, the risk is still significant.

“In the Netherlands, an extensive system of dikes protects us against sea and river flooding. We have always put our faith in this defence and focused almost solely on flood prevention. However, pressure on our system will increase with climate change and rising sea levels. To adapt and maintain a safe living environment, we should develop other safety measures, like more robust spatial planning and contingency plans."


Rotterdam city, is located in Rijnmond – ‘mouth of the Rhine’. The Rhine river flows through this densely populated area and characterises the region. Protections such as sea dikes and storm surge barriers have been constructed to protect the region, but flooding still occurs.

People living in the city are accustomed to seeing smaller floods. The changing climate affects the interplay between rainfall, river levels and sea storms, increasing the flooding risk. Water levels could rise by a few metres, even in populated areas, with potentially massive impacts. 

Mitigation measures such as storm surge barriers reduce the chance that high water reaches the city, but to minimise the impact of floods when they do occur, adaptation strategies are also needed. A city that can adapt to be safe from floods must be carefully designed. How best to design such an adaptive city?

Critical infrastructure, such as hospitals and evacuation routes, must be accessible at all times. Planning how to best protect them, homes and lives is complex. Flood water behaves in a complex way and flood risks show strong spatial variations. The IMPETUS Atlantic team is developing a digital tool to support regional decision making for adaptive city planning. 

Energy and waste water

To become climate-neutral by 2050, climate mitigation* efforts are crucial in our strategy for how to deal with climate change. Reducing our energy consumption is a significant mitigation step. In the Netherlands, 15% of energy is consumed in the Rijnmond area around the port of Rotterdam, in large part by a major petrochemical industry cluster.

*Climate mitigation encompasses measures such as technologies, processes, or practices that reduce carbon emissions or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases.


The Rotterdam port petrochemical industry cluster is Europe’s largest. It consumes 70% of the Rijnmond region’s energy. A large part of this energy is wasted (64%, 203 petajoules). More than half of that energy is lost with wastewater. In addition, most energy processes within these industries rely on fossil fuels, which has a significant impact on the climate.

Energy use must be minimised and fossil fuels should be replaced by renewable sources if climate change is to be mitigated. Electrification of processes opens up the possibility to use more renewable energy and can greatly impact decarbonisation. Recovering wasted heat would significantly reduce energy consumption and is a first step towards a more circular industry. 

Supporting industries in a transition towards climate-neutrality depends on identifying how best to reduce their carbon footprint without sacrificing production or performance. The IMPETUS Atlantic team is creating a digital tool that supports decision making about pathways towards an effective energy transition for EU industry.